Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Hey guys! No pics this week, our flat still hasn't got full speed internet 5 weeks into uni...
Anywho back to minecraft! today I've been inspired: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1020&t=163268 check that out to see my latest ambitious project (that aint mine but I'm going to build something similar with my own twist)
so far I've built two small houses and a bridge over a small gully, with plans to set up a watch tower overlooking the village.

Check back for images (soon hopefully!)


  1. Sounds awesome! I really should start playing Minecraft.

  2. I could never get into Minecraft due to the graphics.

  3. how many guys are in your server? i'm always looking for nice servers, building is what minecraft is all about. following you.

  4. @Marian, I don't play on servers, don't have the time etc, I play single player, I love building too but I must say battling several creepers is fun too!
